*huggies diary* I miss you!! hahaha...
I noe I noe..been like months since i last blogged. but firstly....I am too tired to blog and just that nth to blog. everyday work work work. so yeah...nth interesting lah. was abit sian just now so i was reading my past entries...i realise that some are abit bo liao. hahaha....i was like...hm...wat happen ar...why i wrote this ar....
I noe wat u guys are tinking. " as usual" hey. its not exactly my fault that i cant rmb...my entries also like unclear like dat. hahaha. I warned u ppl!! my bdae is coming....those who forget ar....*stares*
Anyway...I finally made up my mind of wat to do next. I hope everything will go smoothly lah. dun wan to waste anymore time. oklah...cant really sez waste time lah..I am learning stuff everyday now. and yes. out of my 6 months working life. some bloody bastard just decided to try my temper on Friday. pardon the language. but i believe some of you will understand. i need some place to rattle this in if not i cannot tahan!
stop being a bloody faker goody two shoe if your face cant even make it. stop to pretend to understand indo language or speak like one when u cant even speak a proper malay. maybe one of these days u will really become a eunuch just to match the current face that you are having and yes. father's day for you? dream on.
i noe i noe....I have been telling myself to stop cursing this B*****d but i really hate it when ppl accuse me of sumting i didnt do or even tink of doing bloody hell. who is he man. i even rebel against my dad if he anyhow accuse me. and yes. just wait and see...*grins*
i am sorry but i cant swallow the accusation he made on me. if i tell u most of u will prob tink its minor. i tried telling myself that but i cant accept it. *revenge is in the brain man*
today was too busy. when i am more free i will entertain you. I will then show you wat is playing the mind games.
ok. thats all about grumbling. gerfrens? donuts? meet up? ahahaha.
alrite...today is going to be one long post will lots of pics. hehe. lets have a quick update. my life now practically evolve round work..go to work and come back home..thats my life for the past 2 months. believe it or not.. i am enjoying my work although sumtimes it frustrates me. haha.
just 20 mins ago. I heard news that totally set me tinking. the news is about the 2 people that really make my SIP life full of life and satisfaction. and I am shocked to hear the news, but I wish them all the best and I will always remember them. really.
today was a very special day. 22 May 2007. It is a day that I am no longer a student in Temasek Polytechnic. I am glad i came to the ceremony. after i got my Diploma we were seated and as the speech goes on...memories flow thru my mind like a movie playing in front of me. i have no tinge of regret really. the last 3 years was well spent.
I grow up, i learn, i am no longer wat i used to be (good and bad) i met different ppl, experience diff feelings. betrayal, friendship, sadness, happiness and nonsentical stuff. It is really a love hate relationship. friendships that I have developed in those 3 years are priceless. really.
all of us grow up, we really do and i am proud of it. i noe i will be able to look back and smile. tell stories to the next generation on how my TP life has mould me into a grow up version. whether i hate it or not. today is the day that i was told, i have grown up and i need to spread my wings.
okies...lets end the inspirational tots here. its photos time! ok...ass...haha.. blogger is being a bitch i cant upload yet. will do it tml ok..need to slp already. hehe..
and another basket ting that i just discover today is that I LOST ALL MY PHOTOSSSS in my comp. SO PLEASE SEND ME WATEVER PHOTOS THAT WE HAVE OKAy ppl. PLEASEEEEEEEEE
Monday, April 09, 2007
10:35 PM
To all my frensz:
1. good luck with your upcoming exams
2. wish u all the best with your relationship
3. take care of yourself
4. if anyone ever anger u, jus fuck the person off
5. As busy as you are, nothing is more important that your health
6. as irritating as u can be, I still love you all
okay. That’s all. My past one mth has been quite lifeless…been working like mad and the only fren I have met up with suraiyah. Coz we kind of work near each other. So I practically see her everyday (not that I am complaining). Haha.
I miss all my frens u noe and yes piggie. I miss you too.
Was thinking about a lot of stuff at work. (I noe I noe..i am supposed to be working) a lot of people are questioning about love.
Well…I still believe that I would rather be single that being in a relationship that pains me. There is no such thing as equal contribution to love. There will always be sumone who gives more and summore who takes more. The only difference is that by how much.
See…my piggie gives more. Haha…always kana bully. That’s where the balance strike. As the saying goes “ it is very hard for two similar people to live together peacefully”
So….people tend to ask what love is. but now…I am asking. What frenship is?
If u ask me. I dunno. Frens come and go. And really. In this society…it is very hard to contact your frens often. Although u care for them but coz you are too busy to convey your care, they will tink that you dun care. So I ask again. What is frenship.
Hm…food for thoughts
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
3:54 PM
I received a message from the girlfriend!
careful road! here she comes!!!
11:35 AM
here is the long awaited post. haha...alrite. nothing much to post lah. thats why i nv post loh. cannot be just type " i am here" rite? thats so stuuupiiid. anyway....recent update, i have finally graduated from TP (so to say lah. still waiting for result. hehe) and yes.applications to universities have been made and still waiting for news loh. see....this period of time..is basically a rest period and waiting period. so there is nothing much that i can do. nobody ask me out...socks having exams and yes...practically i have been slacking at home playing games and watching tvs. i have become couch potato so to say. and i am proud of it..afterall....how much rest can u get once u start working or studying again?????
ok..apart from my lifeless life.(man..that sounds cool) I will start working tis coming monday...so yeah woman...any date!! please arrange ASAP if not...we can only meet for dinner :( unless u wan me to do sumtingelse.....*grins*. haha.
oh and another news...my dogs cupcake is one year old now. ( i noe this is so random but heck lah) so to whoever tinking to BBQ her...just to inform you..she is more meaty now. hehe. and lastly....woman!!!! shopping time!!!!!! my bro sponsoring to buy working clothes for me. haha ( oh yeah...i can feel the look and words from kinah...I wannnnnnn.....hahaha)
ok..this post sounds damn stupid and idiotic after i read it thru....and its like...popping out of nowhere and yes...met up with socks and su 2 weeks ago (finally!) and man....su,u noe wats called eating and grow fat? i am sure u do. so please do the necessary.
alrite...thats all. i love u all especially the pig that has been bugging me for update. hehe.
Monday, February 05, 2007
12:00 AM
i was working today and i encounter sumting that set me tinking...i have really changed alot..in terms of my manners...behaviour...and thingking...i must sez this though..its not all change for the better.
i was so ashamed of myself after the encounter..it really felt like...as if God is sending me message and a little sound in my heart sez this. "santi...what have u been doing? look at urself now...who are u becoming into? is this who u wan urself to be?"
i swear u noe...i almost cry on the spot there and then. cry coz i feel shameful not sad. i thought about it on my way back home too. its a long walk home...but its really very reflective. anyway...i will not tok bout wat happen that set me tinking...but i will just sez its a good ting that it happens. if not..i wunt noe what has become of me.
i tell myself that i will change..i dun wan the same thing to repeat again. i wan to go back to me--3 years ago. omg...everytime i tink bout wat happen...i really wan to cry...its damn fucking....bad.