my bro dun let me rebond my hair...he said dun waste such money...because i had done it before and it didnt last very not entirely my fault loh...the auntie bluff me. sad man...
aiyo..i ask him for one more chance he also dun let loh...even my mom agree le loh...i realise my bro is harder for me to convince now already than my parents..he become more naggy..i pity his kids man... :p
anyway...had dinner wif sue and sharifah think of it..this is the first time i actually tok heart to heart wif Sue..normally wif are just toking about superficial stuff or sumtimes dun tok also. ..well...its was least i noe what she is feeling exactly.
i seriously..dunno that so many ppl actually...dun really like..u noe..i am quite shocked lah...becoz i tot all of those ppl are actually quite alrite wif her one. i mean..i personally hav not bad blood wif her lah..but russel told me that she bitched about me lah...i am not angry wif her maybe Probably becoz I expected it..or I didn’t noe the content I guess..anyway..i m neutral for now!
man...i m so sick now..and my neck itch like hell..
♥ happy,sad,confused and touched day for me man...
ok..i shall describe each feeling i felt today:
i am sad seeing all my frens started to move away from each other...though they may not treat me very nicely before and sumtimes neglected me...but u see...its still sad..becoz i do have my happy memories wif them...sumtimes..i wonder..why is life like dat? its like we are a characters in comic books and games...being controlled by ppl...and cant really express wat we are trying to say.
secondly..i felt sad today..coz i caused
eric's head to be bruised badly..i m So sorry...i dont mean it...but just now..i m really too angry to look at you i guess..i felt sad also..for quarrelling wif him today...its just a simple matter but i dunno why it turned out that way.
i felt so happy least i now some misunderstanding that sue had of me..are now gone..and i m happy to be the last girl standing in the end....she is able to talk more openly to me now.. last time she always thought that i am proabably teh potential backstabber. lol. ..wat a joke....anyway...i am just glad...
secondly...of course i am glad tha my problems wif eric is solved now...stop tinking that u r inferior can or not??? :p
and i wan to thank
Socks for this...sorry for causing u any trouble k...i really appreciate ur help today...and yah..thank
Suraiyah also..for telling me wat to do wif his head. *winks*
i am in confusion now..i wan to remain neutral in this situation..but..sumtimes its hard...i am too soft-hearted at time..and maybe too gullible...i MUST not side with any one of them...if i do...i will hurt the other party..i noe it may not concern me...but..when they need me..i just cant sez no..i believe u guys noe i m not the type that will throw my frens aside when times are bad. i can just pray that...i will have the strength and control over myself..and dun let myself to be swayed by emotions..i have to tink objectively! not subjectively! (chim rite.hahaha)
there is this ger in my sch...being a victim of word of mouth (gossip) she is called K. there are rumours in the sch that actually questioned her chasity...thats the meanest thing to do! she is very brave to face that rumour and still trying to be strong...
my heart broke when i saw her today...she looked so...down...and lost all cheeriness and energy...i m not even close to her loh...but when i saw her like dat heart broke. i mean..i dunno why ppl must do this kind of thing loh...words can really kill loh.
sumone asked me if it is the ppl who spread the rumours wrong or the one that actually believe them without thinking? i dun hav a fix ans..but tink both are wrong...u shouldnt spread rumours that you noe will affect ppl adversely..can u imagine if u were in her shoes? and you should think first before you actually believed wat ppl sez. that person will probably laugh at u for believing him/her w/o thinking.
chatting and gossiping are good and fun..but please put urself in control.
i realised for the past few days...there are actually alot of ppl who cares about me. some of the ppl that show their care to me are even those i probably nv tok to before? or...i hav stopped toking to them. ..i wan to thank
socks, suraiyah and eric also...for being wif me...going out wif me..its enough to make me stand firm on my own decision..
i will spend more time with other ppl from now on..i m not going to restrict myself once again to just certain grp of ppl...i love grps..but i do hope that my grp will expand and more frens will be together...gambate!
thats all that happened TODAY. isnt my life wild? lol.
suraiyah..i go lots of lif ek..only its a different kind of life :P
shall go off now..need to sleep badly..eating my medicine first..see ya people.
♥ shocking day
Monday, June 13, 2005
9:42 AM
man....just woke up from my afternoon nap wif my am a pig...actually i wanted to do my criminial procedure (crimpro) tutorial one then do halfway..very tired already..sian i went to sleep loh. :p then woke up at this time...i missed my kindred spirit...should have woken up faster.
actually..very tired today also..not physically...guess its mentally. sue had a tok wif me this morning after i came back from breakfast wif my parents...didnt actually...went wif them to suntec..coz i tot i better clear my work i noe...they sure go out later at nite. anyway...tok to sue on msn...she apologised to me and stuff...appreciate that at least she admitted that the grp neglected me w/o giving any excuses. . and russel had gained another point for my trust lol. bet he will be happy to hear that and he will be proud and all that. :p
anyway...back to sue..wat she sez is true..maybe i do need to be more fierce now..hahaha..but i just cant do it...weird..sec 2 i can be damn fierce..but why now cannot ar? *wondering* anyway...appreciate her for telling all that..and heck..i am not angry or have hard feeling wif her.. i love it when ppl are honest wif me..but of cse...telling me stuff that are true. . :)
ok..second ting that happened today...jade called me and wanted to talk..but i dunno wat to reply her...these type of tings...u must realise it on ur own...other ppl tell u also no use...haiz..i am in loss of wat to do lah...then after that i went offline coz i wanna do my work already.. then suddenly eric called me and said that dot was asking him..if i am wif him. hm..seems that she is looking for me too...aiya...headache. lol.
ok...suraiyah...i noe that eric told u he wanted to go ur hse rite? u better arrange for a day he is very eager to see all ur cats now! Lol.
ok..i will go off now...going to shower first...coz i m the slowest.
today's thought:
wow...things do turn 180 degrees wihtin one nite..and yeah..u reap what u sow. *winks*
words can be use it wisely.
♥ busy and fun day
Sunday, June 12, 2005
1:27 AM
man..damn tired today...busy loh..out from morning till now..went to celebrate eli's and qing rui bdae...abit early though...their bdae is on 17 june and 13 anyway..wish them a very happy bdae. seeing them today..make me think about something..friendship i snot only when u see each other everyday...tok everyday..but its the thought that counts!
i am so touched u and socks were like late for 45 mins...and all of them already there...they never ask for their food to be served rigth a way loh..they waited for for us to get our orders touched..then we all took a very good it man! both of the pics so nice..ehem...coz one of them i design one mah. :p
anyway...the guys went to watch movie..while jessica left first..(that busy ger)...and left me and socks walk walk while we tok...been a long time since we did that.
Socks: i really respect u my dear ger...i can honestly tell u that i wont be able to accept that...if
Eric did that to me (u better dunt!) but yah..wat u said is true...its not easy to let go..and i dont wan to tell u wat to do about that anyway...i belive u noe wat to do exactly...just noe that...watever happened...just give me a call and i will be there for u..(this apply for all of u k) dun need to wait for a few days..even if u call me in the middle of the nite also can..dun feel apiseh :p
continue..went out wif my parents to dad try to bluff us that they are not coming le..but too bad...i saw his big fat stomach pushing his luggage when i look at the went to toys'a' alot of toys..for them to bring bac..manz..i really think that singapore should change its rule of 4 ppl taxi man..mak eus take the bus when we carried so much think that singapore want ppl to give birth to 3 0r 4 to??????
anyway...hope that my bro will get his driving license that my dad can buy a car..then tings will be
toking to
yolanda and
sakinah now...seems that her relationship is in trouble..i hope the best for her *pray*
well..going to change to my pajamas and going to play bingo wif my family! yay! (we just bought the bingo just now) take care people for now...will try to blog tml..tml..i will be mugging to do my
today's learning:
its not always ppl who you see everyday that cares about u the most..its those who have never see u for a long time but still treat u the same as before as if nothing had ever change.
such a simple sentence and i only believe/realise it today. well..better late than never. :)
♥ good day
Saturday, June 11, 2005
11:45 AM
wow...thanks to Yolanda i managed to get this blog skin..anyway..she end up noeing my password and stuff for this i have to think of a new password. lol. i Do appreciate her help as i know its not easy to teach a comouter idiot like me..she may not be able to see this but i still wanna say "thank you" up wif suraiyah just now at tampines swensons...actually we plan to go and eat icecream only..but since we havnt eaten anyting for lunch we decided to order a meal..each for us..becoz of u lah...i eat till so full. lol. too bad that you have to rush off to ur farewell party though..if not can walk walk abit more. been a long time since we sat down and tok like today..VERY happy today cat :)
ok..i shall tok about my nick..since both of u also got ask..only that paulus bo chap about my nick.
apprently..i m being ignored by my frens while we are doign work...i just sat there and sleep and stone while waiting for them to finish toking about their problem which i dunno wat. i understand that they maybe toking about sum matters that it may be inconvenient for me to know..i understand that very well...but whyc ant tell just tell me that they wish to tok in private and say that will go back to the work that we are supposed to be doing later on...then at least i can go out to library or sumting..without fearing that wat if they suddenly decide to o the work fast then tok later..worst my hp no bat i just sat there for like 1 hr...surfing stupid net..sleep..until i m so angry..that i just went out to fill my water bottle as in getting up abruptly..without sezing anyting to them...then when i came back...guess they got the hint..they stopped toking already. thats about it lah. :)
ok...tired already..toking to socks on the phone now...must
♥ yo!
4:50 AM
hehehe. created this blog at iLaw chamber in school today..actually wanna do my project summary one but..jade is doing it now...and she say dun disturb her when she is she ask me to surf teh net loh. and since i already get the permission from Eric to create yah..i created this!
i am going to haunt collette or Weiping to help me create a nice blog skin for me. btw..this blog is only exclusively for Socks, Suraiyah and Eric...Paulus proabably :p
this blog address shall not be given to any other ppl. its supposed to be my "secret" diary.
so this is just a try out. *winks* my blog will look alot BETTER after some all those exclusively allowed to read this blog..must come and see everyday k..and flood my chat box. esp. to socks and that we dun see each other everyday..i miss u guys alot.
this shall be our "haven" to tok about anyting under the sun!