hahaha. i love this pic. accidently found it at sakinah's blog. now i noe...she kept all my beautiful pictures hidden from me. dun ask m wat i am doing...i am at the sch business park (canteen for business sch) dunno why i pose like dat..must be too shocked by sumone's reaction until i laugh till like dat.
been such a long time since i laugh until like dat...bring back memories..happy memories...that makes me laugh so genuinely and just be myself.anyway...i just love this one. hahahaha.
anyway....today went to do my project meeting...jade and dot nv do their work again....haiz...anyway...i dunno why teh two of them wanna meet again for compilation...one person type and 3 ppl look ar? me and seu...dun have the habit of meeting up to type the final report...normally..is all the grp members end their part o one person..then that person compile...then send to the rest for editing.
and worse...i already tell them b4 the meeting started that i am going to court on fri and we probably gonna have dinner to celebrate dot's bdae. me,eric,sue, russ, meiyin,sharifah and florence. sue is kinda of not wif jade anymore. so if ther eis jade, ther eis no russ and sue, and this outing is sue planned one...so yah...isit that jade unhappy that she is not invited..thast y purposely ask to meet on fri...dunno lah..lets give her a benefit of doubt. :p
ok..here is another pic me and sakinah took. we are trying to look cute..but apparently we failed.hahaha.
we are so bad....this is taken during one of our contract class..hahaha. actually we are supposed to do our discussion of our drp project one...but we do finish le..so we nothing to do and shawn and nick went to 'toilet' so yah..we took picz...btw..this one i personally took one..first try..thats y sakinah kana cut. hahaha.
this is another stupid pic that we took in frt of bookshop..actually we were supposed to discuss whther or not to go for accounting lecture..coz very boring..hahaha. then we end up taking pictures.
guess wat were these mad gerz are trying to do....me and sakinah are more sane thats y we were not in the pic.hahaha. apparently..they are trying to act like u noe..elvis. from the left. ..gaya..jade...sabeena and yoda..
i dunno wat jade is trying to do.hahaaha. sabeena's face is the best.
wah...so busy until i had no chance to blog last nite.lol. yes!
i finish all my papers already. hehe. hopefully, i can get at least 40/50 for my accounting test yesterday. hahaha. i tot it will be hard but iwas actually quite easy lah and i only dunno how to do the last three qns coz...i nv read up on that AT ALL. then i waited for jade and Dot...they are so slow man...sue anf lor and meiyin left first coz they are going to do their book binding...dunno why i waited for jade and dot also...lol. waste time.
as expected after the test...sure hungry one.hahaha. then went to ajisen with eric...coz i feel like eating the volcano ramen coz its hot! lol. anyway...the food is great...though abit hot. hahaha. then was too tired to go out le...so i just go home loh..after so long! i finally go home before 6! wah...then i straight away go and sleep man..tired....
meeting..for Criminal procedure project on wednesday...i hope that Jade and Dot had done their research to avoid conflicts on that day man. . anyway...i doubt so..coz when i ask them they were like " wat research?"
man..sure got fire on wednesday le. anyway...at nite wanna play maple story one...then i dunno why so many ppl prompt me on msn...then...suddelnyl feel like changing my blogskin. nice not??? its so troublesome!!
took some crazy pictures in computer lab while waiting for our tutor..lol.
the girl that is behind is yolanda..man..she is super bubbly and cheerful...but hor..her laughther..cannot make it man..so funny.
the other one is sakinah...she is a camera freak loh..in her bag sure got camera one..lol.btw...they are my admirers! lol
yolanda always take chances to caress me one..so unsafe to be with her alone.
this is snapshot of mewhen i am teaching ppl stuff. hehehe....this shows that i really noe my stuff alrite.haha. see.sarah..even squad down to learn from me.lol. and oh ya..thats sakinah's head.hahaha.
ok...thats all the picz or today man..i am beat. just finish doing my part of crim pro project...tml we are meeting. anyway..today..nothing much lah..went to Kbox to sing until lost my voice..sing for 5 hrs leh! i went with sue,russell amd sharifah...we were crazy man...shouting away like idiots and i tink ppl next door can hear loh. so paiseh.
and yah..i dun like the kboz in tampines. $5 for a small bowl of snakcs..and the toilet damn yucky. shouldt go there anymore. next time must go parkway one..better...cleaner...and nearer to moi house also. hahahaaha.
planning to clebrate with dot for her bdae this week..sue keep bugging me about where to go..then i tell her east coast! lol. nice food and ambience there and near my house.hahaha. afterall..i am the most restricted one..mist go home early.hahaha. then i tink she gave up with me le..she is like...oklah santi we WILL consider East coast.hahaha.
then nothing much l eloh..well.. i have fun this 2 days..hope tml wunt be any wars. nite people..i shall go and sleep now.
♥ i am bored~
Sunday, July 10, 2005
4:22 AM
well....dunno why i just feel very sian these days...do this also no kick..do that also no feeling...so its liek very sian. tml got accounting test. ..20% theory....try to memorise the definitions but...it seems that there is nothing to memorise...so 15 mins finish le. practical wise...i have been practising till i also sian already. so yah..basically i got no life today. dun feel like talking or doing anyting...i just wanna sleep! lol.
anyway...since i got the time now...i managed to find out a way to upload pics!! *claps please*
ok..here goes the first one. the cool pic of mine on the courtesy of weiping. man...so slow man the uploading....now it sez cant!! man..i cant upload my photos..but i can upload cartoons pic. lol
anyway...above is one of my favourite cartoon character.he is called INUYASHA.
ok....this one i love it..coz i look great!! and that stupid cat look like idiot. lol. paulus act cute also fail. hahaha. socks ar...beside suraiyah..she looks great too.hahaaha. thanks suraiyah!
this brings alot of memories man..make me remeber our precious secondary school life. sometimes i really wish we could just go back to teh time when we are still sec 4...though stress...but it was the best time of my whole life.
this is for the courtesy of those who has not seen me in my formal dressing..man..i love this one. lol. thsi one is taken in sem 1 yr 1. the first time..i wore a blazer and formal dress..opinios please!! do i look mature? :p
bside me...is my ex-classmte in T01..hse is damn thin loh...29 KG leh...now u guys noe wats the definition of a bamboo???
ok...i will upload one big grp pic..the one we just took last chalet. it was great that all of us still can come together and have fun. wel..i cant be uploaded..lol. i shall find a way.
ok...thats it for now..see ya ppl. now i am not bored anymore..going to dig photos out.
♥ happy happy holiday!!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
1:24 PM
man...its nt holiday yet...its supposed to be a term test week...but i only have 2 papers this time.hahahaha. so first one is last monday and the next one is on 11th july. good man...lol.
anyway..first paper sucks..alot of traps!! anyway...dun tok about that already...lets just see my fate if i can get a good score for it.hahaha.
i feel that i have been neglecting my blog lately...hahaha.
Eric: thanks for going cycling with me today...had fun :)
both of us need the exercise anyway...but i still dun like abou tthe bee incident..u ar...pang seh me everytime...last time dogs..not bees...thanks hor.hahaha.
Socks: hahaha. i am glad u and jay can come down though abit ;last min when i tell u.:p
anyway...had fun...but very tiring...coz must catch u both..hahaha. and hor..man...u guys stamina so good leh..i feel old le...nvm..i shall win u next time!!
Suraiyah: hey ger..didnt tok to u for quite sumtime already...heard sum stuff...please just let it go...dunt tink of it anymore..he dun deserve u. pardon me for being harsh here...but..if he really cares about u...even if he wants u to wait...he will at least tell u. by hurting u again and again...its not care. get it?
u still got me wat...slowly then find another one...he is not the only fish in the sea! lol.
btw...quick set a date for the movie!
♥ happy 11th months!!
Saturday, July 02, 2005
1:16 PM
wow....it has been quite sumtimes since i blog man...well..quite busy these days...rushing for projects and stuff...
actualyl got Criminal Procedure submission today...thats y my grp pia like mad on tues and wed...thank God...niw teh deadline is extended..if not sure cant finish.hahaha
anyway...kinda of dissapointed in jade and dorothy...i tot jade will do her research and we can disscuss on time..but it turns out that not only she has not done it...she dun seem to be bothered by it too...worse...we are supposed to meet last fri...she forgot!! the two of them forgot @-@!!
worse...jade got party at nite after sch also..no wonder she forgot...
nvm about that...then last monday or...tues...we have consultation with ferlin...out tutor..he was in very good mood loh..so i ask every qns that they have doubt ones...even sum are stupid questions..but thats the only chance to clear any doubts..then that dotrothy and jade keep sezing why ask that..then just stand quietly...
then at the lift...dorothy was like///"why u ask that questions?" X4
then as usual...i ask so many..how i noe which on she meant..then she was like " you cant even remember wat u ask 5 mins ago???oh great"
damn lah....at least i ask and clarify all ur stupids assumptions then u just stand there and oh...i see...help u ask le still complain. .at least i did my research before i came to see him ok?
ok...today was great! went to catch alot like love with Eric..lol...nice show..must watch! ok...need yo go off already...must go and write the monthly letter to my black pig already..take care people!