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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
8:42 AM

argh.....just finish settling my notes from my crimical procedure Code exams....finally done with it! need to read up accounting now...2 booklets..i wonder if i can read finish...

anyway...these few days our crimpro tutor has been making a fool out of us...he sez...our coursework result willbe released on fri i waited from...11.30 am to 4.30 pm...then he told us...released on monday noon. damn. anyway...coursework need to be cleared before we can take main we need to noe. all o fus are anxious over the weekend, then monday we waited till 12 pm....the he made announcement on webiste release on wed...shit man...keep i give up waiting..shall enjoy myself on wed...going back chagkat probably..i miss that sch!!! and the people of course..too bad suraiyah...cant go..go leh...pon once lah...hahaha. i am a bad fren ask her to pon sch. :p

anyway...other than that i tink my pmsing period is dark gloomy self is gone.hahaha..i am sure weird. :p

Sunday, August 28, 2005
3:27 AM

thanks to you socks..thanks for ur concern.. i am just pmsing i guess..i will be alrite in a few days..wish u and suraiyah good luck for ur upcomign prelim and As.

3:26 AM

ok...pms is setting in on me...i feel weird...there is this feeling of emptiness within me..i feel like just ending everyting once and for all...maybe if i end it..these weird feelings would be gone...have u got the feeling like when u wake up in the morning u goes " wat am i here for?" its another day yet again...another day which may hurt ur heart more and more. i seriously dunnow at i am crapping about..its just nonsense i guess.

i woke up this two days...with an unwilling heart...i just wanted to be covered by my blanket from the rest of the world...i feel like i no longer have anyone to protect me or be my shield...i seem to have lost a precious part of side of positivity...cheerfulness...i dun feel like talking to anyone...i have become anti-social once again.

i am supposed to be seriously studying now..but i just cant bring myself too..i dun have the mood i sez...i feel like just slacking study study has all i have been doing all my life..i noe its a student study..but haiz..its fucking killing me. maybe ms lim is right..the stress has finally sink in to me.

wat have i done all my life? i look around...i feel that i am useless...i have achieve nothing all my life...and i have done nothing useful..i am a failure. when will this cycle of life ends?

- my heart and soul is breaking into million pieces for a reason i dunno why..maybe i am just weird...when can i get back my old self once again.....-

-i am alone in this world-

♥ anticipation is killing me
Friday, August 26, 2005
9:19 PM day is just wasted just like dat today. originally my tutor is supposed to release the coursework at i finish class at 11.30. then i waited till 5pm...but due to unexpected tutor can only release it on yah..i waited for nothing..and i am pissed.. anyway...went back home after that.

i just saw another announcement in my sch website regarding that coursework..and i realised i forgot to include sumting very impt in my report!! anyway...thanks suraiyah for checking my work..nothign to do with my english. eric..its notur fault wat i have said..i have noone but myself to blame if i fail this big deal. at most i will only lose my DHL and DWP for my poly.. at most dun take law loh next time. thorns means to anyone..i am just pissed at myself and myself alone.. i learnt a valuable lesson this time..after 17++ years.. i refuse to believe this before btu now i believe it..the surrounding force me to believe and take up this thinking...a selfish and practical is:


i repeat i am refering to myself.

♥ long long time
Saturday, August 20, 2005
3:37 AM

man...this semester is goign to end in like 3 weeks time flies..i feel as if it was only yesterday when i started secondary school..and now..i am already half way thorugh my 2nd year in poly. i am surprised in how much tings can change in just a split second. cant imagine where would i be in 5 years' time. i had a fun time these days..with my frens and aunt. i dont like it when my hse suddenly feel so empty. it was just this morning that my hse was full of, all of them left my hse is back to 7 of us once again and return to our normal life.

i cant wait for the day when my dad and mom is here with us again. come to think of family had never united..when i was bro, sis and i stayed with my parents are in another town...when we were able to afford a house on our bro moved to Medan to it was only my parents and my sis and i...then my bro left for singapore. had never really stayed with my bro till then.

then when me and my sis came to singapore...we are reunited with our bro..but once again..our parents are at another place. i dont like it when my parents come and go just for holiday.. how i wish they will just stay here forever with us. i wish i can be independent faster..then i dont need to burden my parents anymore...does that mean they can be here with us faster?

time passes fast...but will it be fast enough till the time my family are finally reunited again as a whole? not as holiday but forever? sometimes it is a wonder that my siblings and i done turn into deliquents when our parents are not by our side..we must have above blessed over us.

thats why..count your blessings and be contented with what you have now.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
11:33 AM

i found this test in my fren's blog..its goo u noe..i tink u guys should go and try it out.haha. look at my result and u guys will noe i am perfectly normal.haha.

man..alot of things are happening in school...i really miss the peaceful and fun secondary times...where u people??? i miss u guys..


-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --

♥ long time
Thursday, August 11, 2005
2:28 AM has been such a long time since i blog.. has been a hell of a busy time for me...damn submissions, contract drafting...exams...tests....
ia m glad that i clear my lgcomm course work already.hahaha. sch has been great form me apart from the workload..the life is getting better and better. hm..come to tink of it...eric going to leave for UK in one month time..haha...lets see if we can stand the distance :P

anyway...two days ago some certain stupid, short and fat pig make me trip when i came down from the bus in Tmapines intercahnge..that god..that time not much ppl...if not can u imagine how embarrassed i am????

up till now..i am still doing my crim pro submissions for tml. its 25% so i must do damn well...oh ya..i wan to thank suraiyah for helping me edit my work. so do u find my english improving???hahaha

ok..will blog sooon again.

♥ one down!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
11:45 AM so hard also no use still just get 10/20 for my food hygiene. and guess wat i lost 2 marks due to the computer technical problem and the teacher told m ethat there is nothing she can do. shit. secondly, if ailed my test 1 by 0.5 mark, so i am actually happy already because i tot i will fail dman badly but i didnt. my teacher long as i can find one more 0.5 mark she will give me. i shall search for it. one happy news, my grp assignment one got 10/10. yay!

then i ahd the lgcomm test today...quite simple and fast to do. but i am scared, her paper is always like that...the easier it is..the hogher chances i will fail it. so chances are i am going to lose this 5 marks and i shall concentrate on my PART B AND C of the assessment. that grumbling is over...its photo time!! btw..i got home damn early 4 pm. like..first time after so long..i reach home so early. honest.

this is taken by sabeena in the lab asking me to act cute..and i tink i finally pass.haha.

another cool pic of mine. i look nice here.haha

my ghostly look. haha

"killer Look"

ok..this is a normal pic.

♥ happy anniversary dear piggie :)
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
9:36 PM

actually my anniversary was yesterday..but hor...coz of the stupid test we cant celebrate. btu we do go for dinner at East Coast yesterday night. i am very happy :) at least i got to eat and see him on the anniversary day itself. i noe you are tired yesterday..and i appreciate all the tings u have done for me. went to celebrate catch a movie "she is on duty" its a jap its damn nice loh!! all of u guys should watch it. the plot is damn good loh. anyway..then we got to eat the restaurant "pariiss" the orchard branch. the food is quite dissapoiting though..and eric..haha..i am right!! hahaha. anyway..few words to say to you. hope socks, su and paulus wotn mind though.haha.

it has been one year since we are together
full of laughters and tears,
but i enjoy every part of it
because i know, you will always be there for me.
i hope that we will last till eternity
and i will strive to achieve that dream.
therefore, quick finish your study and come back here quickly.

i love you.

HaPpY one year

♥ happy bdae yolanda!!!
3:23 AM

today..was a great day..apart form the shocking replcament tutor my my darling mr mat..its Mr. ferlin..than God i got do my tutorial today man...all of the class kana kicked out leh...only left five ppl (including me of cse) . ok..basically today is yolanda bdae.

this is yolanda :)
me and sakinah planned to get her a chocolate cake which she has been pestering us for was quite fun lah. we drink wine and eat cake. and we make her wear a bikini on top of her blouse then we walk around the sch.haha. the only down side is..the accounting test. at 6.30 we will have test till 7.30 sian....