argh....argh.....tired. hahaha....went to work for the past 2 days and i am dead beat till i dun even have the energy to study man. seriously....but it was fun working at compass point..i get to see families shopping for grocery..but it was more fun to see those young couples shop. its so so true can see wat kind of lifestyle a couple is having by the tings the bought man.
one trolley is full of maggie mee, 6 bottles of 1.5l cokes....6 bottles of ice lemon tea..lots of potato chips. another couple...totally full of red meat! beef.....beef....and beef.....beeers...beerssss and beeerrrrrr. its like...wat?! ok..then another is quite healthy...juices....vegetables...some meat and fruits...healthy rite compared to the other 2. scary man.
i noe abit nonsense to look at wat ppl buying..but hey..i am bored to death. so yeah...look at people loh. and yeah..i really cannot stand sum idiots around that dun even noe how to differentiate cat and dog and worse rat! idiots...and some ppl are so kiasu...see free samples...lying around ar...without ppl ask them to eat hor..they just self service. haiz..
i went for lunch rite..then was waiting my turn to be served..beside me is another waiting line..a mother and a son..the son prob is in pri 5 i tink...then the kid was like...damn kiasu lah..
kid: mommy nobody already (when i obviously standing there and its my turn!) quickly jump to this line of waiting.
mom: aiya...its going to be our turn already be patient!
kid: here faster lah. nobody( i am still there)
mom: coz jie jie there lah
kid: its okay lah. she wunt dare to scold me anyway..i am still a kid
comment: fuck u man...i will still scold u loh. no manners
mom: patient lah dun be so kiasu (there! the magic word)
this kid prob will grow up fat and ugly and nerdy (with no brains) as he is like pri 5 only..then like so kiasu and no manners. who noez maybe he will become a pervert with botak head (like certain individual that i noe). okay anough about him.
as expected..i got C+ for my company law. actually she only gave me D+...its i squeze somemore marks for her. Thank God. man...for this project alot ppl are dissapointed lah with the marking dunno wat also. haiz...
this really really mean i have to study hard for exam. and CPA also gerz! lets work hard! and lets pray that we clear our civ pro!
i miss all my frens. and of pig. ehehe
Thursday, August 17, 2006
12:52 AM
its like bloody one am...i am supposed to be in bed now...slping peacefully and get up early for class tml. but heck no...i am still typing memos now...i seriously dunno why are we typing memos man...its not as if when we go for sip we will be asked to type memos. haiz...but no choice i need to do a nice memo in order to get B for overall MLOCT project.
our grp project didnt do very well...we get C+..damn let down lah...after so much hardwork went in...but thank God i got B+ for my i hope add up together will get B...thats y my memos i have to do nice nice. last 4 memos to go...hope i will do good enough to get overall B. *cross fingers*
i realise i didnt do very well for my projects this semester. tml i will have another 2 co law..i probably get C or D for this project again lah...looking at my current luck. and i will be getting our overall coursework for CPA...which i tink i will get C or C+ this time....which means...i have to study damn damn hard for both this subjects for exams. things are not looking very bright to me now.
anyway...went to eat sakae buffet with kinah and yoda just now.. we ate like pigs. becoz those 2 have been sick and starving themselves for quite sum days. so yeah...THEY ate like pigs..i am my usual demure self. i counted...we only ater about 22 plates...sad rite...3 ppl..22 plates..each only like...4 plates??? waste money. but least we have fun. and yes...yoda is beaten up by her bf. wahahaa.
i was sad when my parents cancelled their trip...which they supposed to take today due to sumting crops up at indo. sian. and i realise...i cant stand sec sch kids these days...they just irritates me..i dunno why. maybe not all of them but sum of them do irritate the hell out of me.
i am proud to be still looking so young. its amazing on how one year can make u age so so so much.
Monday, August 14, 2006
12:30 AM
first of all..huggies to yolanda tan first.
got so bored after civ pro test like got nothing to do. although the truth is i got ALOT to do. hahaha. so yeah have been slacking around. my parents coming on wed..i hope to clear all the work by tml nite though. hopefully can.
oh yeah...was feeling very sentimental just now. after work..i saw this nice cat with emerald eyes...she just sat there at the middle of pathway....then got one couple passed by..the lady go and played with her just for like..3 seconds? she slowly followed her...i guess in hope she will bring her back..but the lady didnt lah. so she just stopped and sat there again...staring into space. i mean...quite sad lah...can u imagine...they are born but noone wants them..if i can...i for sure...will have bring that cat back with me man.
i am just imagining it loh..its just like a baby born then parents dun wan them...when they grow up...for sure they will also look for ppl to care for them. yeah...just quite sad when i see the cat lah.
then i was reading the newpaper today....there is this news on preserving ur body so that i can be revived in the future and quite a no. of ppl signed up for really amuses me on how these ppl wan to preserve their bodies. i mean..i admit everyone is scared of too wat. but i am scared of death is because that would mean my brain will stop functioning and i will forget about the ppl that i have met. so thats y i dun wan to die.
but these ppl preserve also for wat. when u wake up in the future (IF THEY CAN WAKE UP) the people around them will already be different. like wats the point rite...its just like i miss my sec sch life..and i wan to go back to sec sch days...fine. lets sez i go be sec sch kid again. but all my classmates and frens are not there already..i go back also no use rite.
yeah....growing up is such a pain. having one birthday means i am one year nearer to my death day. isnt it scary? i used to be happy having birthdays but now i am not so sure. one part of me want to grow up...but the other dun wan..if i grow old..that means my parents are growing old also rite. i dun wan that.
aiya...i am being a stupid ass now. i shall go to slp.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
11:05 PM
la la la....update once again. been busy with sch and work and bf...i hope u guys understand. haha. i finally finish my civ pro test today..and yeah...i can do more than previously..should be able to pass...doing well is another ting lah...get D also nvm as long as not fail coz...if fail this subject have to wait another year again. haiz. sian.
been observing people around...sumtimes it is very funny to see how people behave. working at compass point do give me sum entertainment though. u really see how couple shop for groceries and stuff and sumtimes u will really hear funny comments from them. and seriously wonder why sum people cant differentiate between cat and dog. hello?? they are so much can u dunno. haiz.
been quite sumtime since i meet up with my sec sch frens..i miss them badly man...due to busy schedule of mine..i have missed quite a no. of outings..damn sad.
haiz..nothing much to blog already. hahaha. thats it for today.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
11:20 PM
its a very idiotic day today. woke up with a very sore throat! damn bad i cant even talked. that moment when i opened my mouth and nothing comes out no matter how hard i try...i understand those who lost their voice after and illness or accident man..its scary. its really scary. and its a bummer that i cant wish my sis to have a safe journey. btw she went back indo for the time being. and i am grouchy the whole day...due to cold, sore throat and a slight fever and i am bloddy slpy! it didnt help that the classses today was damn boring. i apologised to anyone who i was grouchy to today. haiz..
oh ya. russel suddenly ask me for the blog add...dunno for wat. he must be contemplating to copy my blog add since it is so cute and sweet like me!! ME. hehehe...i noe abit narcistic. but hey...a ger has to be confidence of herself rite. hehe..
and yeah..i seriously dun get it why ppl like to stick their nose into other ppl business. wat. u mean u got a life even more boring than mine that you have bitch about ppl? hello. grow up. who are you to interfere. they may not read this but yes. pleasae GROW UP dun be such an ASS.
ok. i need to slp already. i am still as sick and i need to work for the next 4 days consequtively. wish me luck man. i tink i will just faint. hahaha. nite peeps