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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
3:54 PM

I received a message from the girlfriend!


careful road! here she comes!!!

11:35 AM


here is the long awaited post. haha...alrite. nothing much to post lah. thats why i nv post loh. cannot be just type " i am here" rite? thats so stuuupiiid. anyway....recent update, i have finally graduated from TP (so to say lah. still waiting for result. hehe) and yes.applications to universities have been made and still waiting for news loh. see....this period of basically a rest period and waiting period. so there is nothing much that i can do. nobody ask me out...socks having exams and yes...practically i have been slacking at home playing games and watching tvs. i have become couch potato so to say. and i am proud of much rest can u get once u start working or studying again?????

ok..apart from my lifeless life.(man..that sounds cool) I will start working tis coming yeah woman...any date!! please arrange ASAP if not...we can only meet for dinner :( unless u wan me to do sumtingelse.....*grins*. haha.

oh and another dogs cupcake is one year old now. ( i noe this is so random but heck lah) so to whoever tinking to BBQ her...just to inform you..she is more meaty now. hehe. and lastly....woman!!!! shopping time!!!!!! my bro sponsoring to buy working clothes for me. haha ( oh yeah...i can feel the look and words from kinah...I wannnnnnn.....hahaha)

ok..this post sounds damn stupid and idiotic after i read it thru....and its like...popping out of nowhere and yes...met up with socks and su 2 weeks ago (finally!) and,u noe wats called eating and grow fat? i am sure u do. so please do the necessary.

alrite...thats all. i love u all especially the pig that has been bugging me for update. hehe.