To all my frensz:
1. good luck with your upcoming exams
2. wish u all the best with your relationship
3. take care of yourself
4. if anyone ever anger u, jus fuck the person off
5. As busy as you are, nothing is more important that your health
6. as irritating as u can be, I still love you all
okay. That’s all. My past one mth has been quite lifeless…been working like mad and the only fren I have met up with suraiyah. Coz we kind of work near each other. So I practically see her everyday (not that I am complaining). Haha.
I miss all my frens u noe and yes piggie. I miss you too.
Was thinking about a lot of stuff at work. (I noe I noe..i am supposed to be working) a lot of people are questioning about love.
Well…I still believe that I would rather be single that being in a relationship that pains me. There is no such thing as equal contribution to love. There will always be sumone who gives more and summore who takes more. The only difference is that by how much.
See…my piggie gives more. Haha…always kana bully. That’s where the balance strike. As the saying goes “ it is very hard for two similar people to live together peacefully”
So….people tend to ask what love is. but now…I am asking. What frenship is?
If u ask me. I dunno. Frens come and go. And really. In this society…it is very hard to contact your frens often. Although u care for them but coz you are too busy to convey your care, they will tink that you dun care. So I ask again. What is frenship.
Hm…food for thoughts